19 Mar 2024
Time for an Oil Change?


Borderfields award-winning Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil contains a near perfect balance of Omega 3, 6 and 9. It also has half the saturated fat content compared to olive oil, has no additives and is a good source of natural Vitamin E. You might also be surprised to hear that there are substantial savings benefits when comparing rapeseed oil to basic oils, such as olive oil, which has tripled in price recently.

The Borderfields story began in 2005, when a group of farmers hailing from Northumberland and The Scottish Borders expertly produced and bottled an inaugural batch of rapeseed oil. Having cultivated rapeseed for many years, they meticulously chose the ideal seed variety to produce the delectable flavour and stunning golden hue. The partnership soon teamed up with experienced Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire growers to press additional seeds to ensure future generations continue their responsibility to carefully manage crops and continue to improve environmental practice working in harmony with nature.

Rapeseed oil is from the third most important crop grown in the United Kingdom after wheat and barley. Other vegetable oils, such as olive or sunflower, are primarily imported from mainland Europe or further afield. 

So, if you are ready for an oil change, this golden, versatile beauty transcends its kitchen-use and emerges as a vibrant component of a healthy diet. Once you delve into the abundant nutritional merits of rapeseed oil, it could become your preferred oil for a diverse culinary journey.

You will find our products instore at your local supermarket, independent retailers, and online. Check out our shiny new website for your nearest stockist or fill your basket via our online store for delivery direct to your doorstep (minimum order applies). 




For further information, recipes, product samples, and interview requests, please contact Sue Richmond, Wolf and Kins, hello@wolfandkins.com, 07708 690707

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