Tags: OGGS, Vegan, Success, Waitrose, cupcakes, Chocolate, mince pies, Sustainable, recyclable, Ethical, Business Success, Startup, Business Growth, sainsburys

From idea conception to launch onto national supermarket shelves in less than 12 months, the story of OGGS®, the ethical food brand created with animal wellbeing in mind, is truly exceptional.
In June 2019, OGGS® launched its egg-free vegan cakes in Waitrose and Sainsbury's. Within three months the brand had sold 120,000 boxes, that's 500,000 cakes. Demand has been so significant that the company has gone on to launch a 2 pack Chocolate Cupcake in Sainsbury's Local stores, as well as Mince Pies in Sainsbury's Superstores for the festive season.
With future generations in mind, OGGS® has also introduced their Mini Vanilla Cupcakes and secured the Mumsnet Badge. In a poll of 200 mums, 82% said they would recommend to a friend.
But it doesn't stop there. Aquafaba, a plant-based liquid egg substitute made from chickpea water, is regularly used by home bakers in place of egg. Without any chemical alteration, OGGS® have come up with a stabilised version of aquafaba that works every time for all your baking needs. Simply a natural plant protein, it whisks, whips and folds just like egg, perfect for vegans, or those with egg or dairy allergies. The company has already secured a stockist pre-launch and has just received their patent for liquid aquafaba in the UK, with US and International patents pending.
Bakery category break-out
Not only are these products ground-breaking, they're also opening up the bakery category to a new breed of consumer. Despite interest in vegan food dramatically on the rise, to date, vegan bakery products have been few and far between.
Perhaps most importantly, not only are these products finding favour with vegan and environmentally conscious consumers, they are also visually appealing and taste fantastic. In just three months, the rate of repurchase has been considerable, with the number of new customers also growing rapidly.
No compromise, sustainable values
With climate change and the environment high on the news agenda, the message that everyone must play their part is clearly gaining traction with consumers. Next generation customers believe in the impact of their food choices, choosing vegan diets or flexitarian regimes and actively seek out brands with the best environmental credentials.
It is this growing realisation in the collective consumer conscience that is at the heart of the OGGS® value-led philosophy: reducing animal cruelty and having zero impact on the environment.
Ethical food enthusiast Hannah Carter is the founder and driving force behind the brand on a meteoric trajectory. She says: “We're delighted with the overwhelmingly positive reception from both the supermarkets and consumers, and it confirms our passionate belief that people are being persuaded by and getting behind brands that aren't compromised in any way.
“We're a value-based company. We measure our business in things that matter, like chickens saved, homeless meals given, and jobs created because quite simply, this was the motivation for starting the company. These are the things that will reflect our success. That's what drives this business.”
The brand's environmental stats for the first three months of trading speak for themselves: to date it's estimated that 100,000 eggs have been saved from unnecessary use. That's ½ egg for every box sold and a real contribution to lessening the demand for eggs, meaning that chickens are not forced to lay more than is natural.
The company aims to be a zero waste, zero trace organisation by 2021. The choice of packaging is low pollution and fully recyclable and biodegradable in landfill conditions. Leftover chickpeas will be sent to local animal shelters, as the animals love them!
For more information on the OGGS® vision and their products visit www.loveoggs.com