Belgian beerhouse FRITES is launching their buffet lunch from Monday to Friday 12pm to 3pm (excluding public holidays). Guests can now treat themselves to a tasty and healthy lunch on their busy workdays for a fraction of the cost. The Buffet Lunch is available in FRITES Causeway Bay only.
For HK$98 per person, guests can feast on a stunning selection of salads with quality seasonal vegetables. There are more than 15 fresh salads to choose from, including Tuna Quinoise Salad, Super Protein Salad, Caesar Salad, Greek Salad and Chickpeas with pumpkin to name a few. For those who are after their protein hit, FRITES will also offer add-ons for an additional cost. Sole Meuniere with brown butter caper sauce and steamed vegetables will set you back HK$58, Chicken Piccata with butter, olive oil, lemon, wine and capers served with steam vegetables is an extra HK$78 and for our amazing USDA 1855 8oz Steak and Frites it is an extra HK$98.
The buffet is guaranteed to be a popular choice for vegetarians, health enthusiasts and those after a hearty meal at a fantastic price!
Dessert or coffee is available for an additional HK$20. Guests who would like to enjoy a drink in the afternoon can explore the FRITES's Beer Bible for an extensive list of Belgian beer and international wine OR simply look to FRITES staff for suggestions. Happy Hour is available Monday to Friday 3-8pm offering 50% off all draught and bottled beer, prosecco, house wine and spirits.
*10% service charge applies
比利時啤酒屋 FRITES 首次推出沙律自助午餐, 由即日起逢星期一至五下午12時至3時午餐時段內供應,讓你在工作天也能享受一個綠色健康的下午。自助午餐只限銅鑼灣分店供應。
FRITES 自助午餐定價每位港幣$98元,賓客可享 FRITES 精心挑選的特色沙律,全部沙律均由時令蔬菜製成。沙律款式超過十五款,包括 吞拿魚藜麥沙律、Super Protein Salad、希臘沙律和鷹嘴豆配南瓜等,健康美味。
需要較多熱量的賓客,亦可以優惠價另加主菜:法式牛油香煎比目魚-焦香水瓜柳牛油汁伴烚薯菜加港幣$58,香煎無骨雞腿肉伴烚薯菜加港幣$78或以港幣$98選擇FRITES著名的牛扒薯條 - 8安士上等黑安格斯牛肋肉扒配雜菜沙律及黑松露雜菌牛油。
FRITES 自助午餐絕對是素食者、健康人仕及搜羅優惠美食者的不二之選。
為豐富的午食作結,賓客可另付20元享用甜品或咖啡。如賓客喜歡小酙一杯,FRITES 亦供應多款不同口味及濃度的啤酒及紅白酒以供搭配挑選。平日下午3時至8時「happy hour」時段, 生啤、瓶裝啤酒、精選香檳、葡萄酒及烈酒,以半價發售,店內氣氛更是熱鬧。
About FRITES Management Ltd.
FRITES was established in 1997 as part of the Concept Creations group. Concept Creations has been widely regarded as one of the city's leading restaurant management companies and has remained true to its founding principles by consistently establishing venues that are unique and innovative, such as Tapeo, Chicha and of course FRITES.
Having gained extensive experience in Australia, the management team underpins the creation of each venue with three core values – authenticity, hospitality and quality – key principles to success in Hong Kong's highly competitive food and beverage industry. With a no-compromise attitude to ingredients, strict attention to detail and a desire to deliver a consistent experience, the operational teams ensure high standards are maintained at all times. Concept Creations has valued being an employer of choice and believes that offering quality training and benefits to its employees has resulted in the comfortable, welcoming and hospitable ambience each venue is known for.
Today Concept Creations has divested its interests in their other brands to focus on expanding its flagship Belgian beerhouse FRITES. Initial plans aim to put FRITES on the map in other areas around Hong Kong before eyeing expansion into other countries in the region.
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For media enquiries:
Serena Wong
Marketing Officer
Direct: 2544 2677
Email: serena@frites.hk
Brenda Ng
Marketing Manager
Direct: 2544 2466
Email: brenda@frites.hk
Frites Management Ltd.
Unit A, 10/F, 128 Wellington Street,
Central, Hong Kong
Restaurant details:
FRITES Central: 1/F, The Wellington, 198 Wellington Street, Central. Bookings: 2217 6671
FRITES Wan Chai: Shop 6, 1/F Causeway Centre, 28 Harbor Road, Wan Chai. Bookings: 2877 2422
FRITES Causeway Bay: Shop 1, G/F, Park Haven, 38 Haven Street, Causeway Bay. Bookings: 2142 5233
FRITES Quarry Bay: G/F, Oxford House, Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road, Island East. Bookings: 2250 5188